Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Dear Husband

. What is your husbands name?Eric Brian Simpson
.How long have you been together? 2 Years 8 months...married 1 year on Monday 3/24
.Who is smarter? He would like to think he is, but I think we are both smart about different things
.Who does the housework? I do, but he does anything outside and in the garage. Not my territory
.Who sleeps on the right? I do
.Who pays the bills? I do.
.Who cooks dinner? About 50/50...he enjoys this activity much more then I do
.Who drives when you are together? Usually him, but sometimes I do and that leads to bad things because he thinks I am a terrible driver
.Who is more stubborn? HE IS
.Who kissed who first? He did after his softball game
.Who asked out who first? He did and it was a blind date!
.Who proposed? He did. I almost ruined it by walking out of the gazebo because I thought we were just checking out the ocean and I was done looking.
.Who has more siblings? He does...he has 2 brothers and one sister. I only have one brother
.Who wears the pants? We are pretty equal-no one really bosses the other around...usually

I tag Tricia and Catherine

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